Rules & Regulations :
Before using the service of Eluthu website, please read the instructions carefully.
If your blog violates any information mentioned below, your blog will be removed from the website without any notice.
Before using the service of Eluthu website, please read the instructions carefully.
If your blog violates any information mentioned below, your blog will be removed from the website without any notice.
1.To utilize the maximum service benefits of this website, its important to possess the username and password. While registering with this website, you are not suppose to give other person's name or email address without their permission.
2.Don't exchange or sell other people account.
3.Admin/Management has full rights to block/ delete the user's account without any prior notice.
4.People who are above 13 years of age only permitted to access this web service.
5. Don't use Eluthu website against any law.
6. Don't write poems by abusing/ attacking the privacy of an individual or a group.
7. Content of the poetry should not be unrefined or abusive. If such content is submitted, Eluthu website have rights to block your account.
8. Content of the poetry should not be written against children.
9.This website is subjected to rules and regulations of Indian constitution. It wont permit things against Indian laws.
10. Registration should not wholly depend on the advertisements.
11. Registration should not be relied only on money earning aspect.
12.Eluthu users should not register any issues against the rules and regulations of their respective countries.
13. Administration has complete rights to remove any user account, if they violate or register content that affect other users.
14. When friends are submitting their poems, they don't have rights to include their phone number or any related web link. Eluthu site have rights to reject such person's content.
15. Further details can be registered in the personal profile.