Is the God of Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists the same

Is the God of Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists .... the same?

Answer: NO

Many say that All gods are the same, we all are worshiping the same god. All roads lead to Rome. This is wrong.

It is illogical to bring the saying "All roads lead to Rome" in this context. For example we all know for sure that no one can go to Rome, no matter on which road a man takes from Australia and Sri-Lanka. How many roads end in the peak of a mountain? How many roads end up in the Ocean? How many roads are closed? So many roads are with potholes and ditches.

Nay, not all gods are the same. Each god has its own characteristics. Instruct different moral teachings, commandments, which exclude each other.We see that the directors and managers in a small office itself vary by character. If that is the case, when god's characters and teaching are different, how could then one say they all are the same god?

Many say, " Aren't all religions teach good things?". Well, such people compare only the common Moral Law found all the religions. But they completely forget about the deep doctrines, beliefs and teachings such as:
[a] The origin of the world, universe
[b] The origin of mankind on earth
[c] How to get delivered from the nature of sin and sin? [Salvation]
[d] Life after death
Each religion gives different views, for such questions.

In Hinduism there are 330 million gods. Each god has a unique power and character. There are innumerable gods like To create, To protect, To destroy (these three are trinity), for wealth, for wisdom, for judgment..... Sun, Snake and so on. In the Holy Bible such Idol worship is prohibited. Could you imagine Hinduism without Idols and statues? Some of their gods ask animal sacrifice. The belief that Hindus have is "by dipping themselves in the holy river Ganges, their sin's will be washed away". Their beliefs such as Karma, incarnations in to next birth, is not present in other religions. [1]

In Islam they say "there is one god, and all must follow Muhammad". They deny Jesus as God [the Son]. They call him as prophet. Though they say that Jesus was born of a virgin, he raised the dead, they say that he was not crucified, and he is not god. when Mosab Hassan Yousef says "In the Koran many places it is mentioned to kill all the unbelievers or infidels that do not believe in their god. Moreover their highest example or model is a man who committed many murders and indecent fellow"[2]. (Watch first video). "Muslims are not my enemies, their messenger and their god that has dual personality"

In Christianity we know that "God is one, in three persons (Trinity)". Also God [the Son] came to earth in the form a man and gave his life for us, to save us from our sins and rose up on the third day. Bible teaches that "Thou shalt not kill. Love your enemies. God is Love". Jesus loves the sinners but not the sin. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" said Jesus. It does not matter who those "neighbors" are, no exception. [3] (Watch second video)

In Buddhism though it talks about do not kill, it is a religion that has no god as its basis. It is clearly mentioned in the Buddhist text that there is not such one as Creator. (Watch third video) It is a junk and rubbish to say that all living things were created, and all that we see are not created[4]. Buddha was a man who rejected the Vedas of Hindus, rejected the commandments obtained by Moses. If so how can all gods be the same god? How then we say that we all worship to the same God. If any one argues that we all worship the same God, first ask them to bring their religion' books to provide such evidence.

In the Q&A #49 many verses have been given to show that "Our God is the only God, there is no other God than Him".

Moreover Jesus said that
- "I am the way truth and life, No one can come to the father but by me". Doesn't is say that there is no other way other than Jesus himself?
- It is only Jesus who shed his blood for us, for our sins. (There is no redemption of sin without shedding of blood).
- It is only Jesus who rose from the dead on the third day and was taken up to the heaven.
- Apostle Paul says that, " Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
- John says, " He that hath Son has [eternal] life, he that does not have Son of God, does not have life"

For those who say that they worship the same god, their doctrines and teachings should be the same. Not few doctrines and teachings. All doctrines and teachings should be the same. If the teachings differ then the way in which we go (or follow) will be different. If the path is different, the destination is different. How important it is find out if we are in the correct path!

Posted by J .Deva

எழுதியவர் : (18-Mar-16, 12:24 am)
பார்வை : 38

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