Hindu Marriages Ancient Modern

Hindu society is much more family-oriented and close knit than societies in the west.The average size of a typical Hindu family is generally is much larger than a family of the west.Married sons live with their parents,brothers, unmarried sisters,and also grandparents.Young women, when married, to go to the homes of theirin-laws to live with their husbands.There are very few nuclear families in Hindu society.
Maintaining the good image of the family is considered one of the primary duties of the family members.The respectability of a Hindu family is determined by the moral virtues of its members and its cultural level,and not necessarily by its wealth.Every member of a family is expected to uphold or enhance the good image of the family by maintaining its moral and cultural level.
An important event like the marriage of a family member is bound to have its impact on the entire family.None should enter into a matrimonial relationship which will adversely affect the image of the family.A Hindu marriage is not just a relationship between a husband and wife; it also engenders a close and lasing relationship between the members of both families.It is sometimes said, and too incorrectly,that a Hindu marriage is more a marriage between two families than between two persons.
In general, Hindu marriages are arranged by the parents or grandparents or guardians of the young people.In the rare cases where young men or women choose their own marriage partners, the approval of the parents or grandparents or guardians must be obtained.Otherwise it may cause a lot of heartache or sadness for both the families involved. Parents ,being more experienced,are usually able to select a good marriage partner for their son or daughter.They make thorough inquiries about not only their future daughter-in -law,or son-in- law ,but their families as well.During the negotiations ,the intended couple are allowed to see each other only once or twice in the presence of family members..If they like each other and give their consent,then their marriage is arranged by the parents or grandparents or guardians.No premarital dating or free mixing between men and women, as in the West, is allowed in Hindu society.According to available statistics,such arranged marriages are many times more harmonious and stable than marriages where the partners choose each other.
Note; To know more Read The essentials of Hinduism ;

To be continued

எழுதியவர் : (12-Feb-16, 2:13 am)
பார்வை : 63
