Gun culture
Every society and every religion
And for that matter, every region
Every tribe and every race has its culture,
That differentiates us from vulture.
Human growth is defined by its culture,
The primordial of which is agriculture,
Making the availability of food safer and easier,
Helping humans to settle down, develop and live cosier.
The growth of fruits gave birth to horticulture;
The love for flowers resulted in floriculture;
The need for fish led to pisciculture:
The demand for aquatic foods resulted in aquaculture;
But what was the need for this gun culture
That is eating the very vitals of American culture?
Policemen need guns to ensure social security;
Army men need them for the national safety;
But why the hell do individuals need the gun?
Is it to kill people for pleasure or for fun?
It has killed many an innocent men
and has caused more harm than Bren;
Even children are not spared;
Do you mean to say that others will be cared?
Is it not time to abolish gun culture
And save people to save human culture?
The gun lobby seems to rule the roost
When will this nation come out of the hold of this ghost?
We had enough of it so far?
When are we going to stop this senseless war?