Who is that samiar Guru

Who is that Samiar (Guru)

A change in the mood of the US president was noticed over the past few months. As before, no matter what, he doesn't get angry..No intimidation of other countries. He has become a dove of peace.

This was a mystery to his advisers. Has any ghost (satan) got into his body. This sinner has poured mud on our survival, said the arms manufacturers. This cannot be allowed to continue. Thinking that this would be the end of it, they approached the FBI / CIA for help.

They immediately started to work on their assigned job.
The inquest revealed that the president was muttering something in an unusual language in the morning to himself. Talking to some of his friends revealed a fact. He did tell some of his trusted friends that he had been in contact with a samiar in India for a long time and now he would ask for his advice through telepathy

This has created a new problem for the FBI / CIA. There are many crores of deities in India itself. Millions more samiars. How to find out who among them is the guru of the prisdent.

They devised a very clever method to find out.They leaked a message to their dominant news organizations.The news spread very slowly that the president liked India, its very old language, culture and everything, and more else their many samiars (gurus) and he would communicate daily with one of them for advice through telepathy. Odly though, few Indians thought it was the right time to apply for green card. But the funny thing was that all the samiars were banging their heads and started saying "You're not it I am". Some time later, the FBI / CBI observed that only one samiar remained silent. The matter was understood. He is the guru of the president.

After that, they tried to find out his whereabouts by GPS and spy satellites and found his where

What to do now. India is currently one of their allies and can not send drones to kill him. They thought, would talk to him first. Well aware of all this, the samiar moved to America with the help of his magical powers. Of course as a different human being.
All their efforts ended in failure and now they plotted how to remove the president from office. They found success in it.This is the plan they staged.

They sought the help of two women called Rambai and Uoorvasi. These are not their real names.
The duo alleged that president used his then power to misbehave towards them at one point (they do not remember exactly when).It clung tightly to his top. There was nothing he could do about it. Eventually the prisdent resigned. The planners got together and enjoyed in their success.

After all this drama the samiar was looking for a place he would be safe from Covid 19.
And the rumor has it that he changed himself into a bird and joined the flog that annually come to India and had flown with them to Siberia.

Written by
Sandioor balan.

எழுதியவர் : (18-Aug-21, 1:49 pm)
சேர்த்தது : இ க ஜெயபாலன்
பார்வை : 53
