அரசு பள்ளிகளில் மாணவர் எண்ணிக்கை உயர

first of all we should improve the teaching level of the teachers.Because i am a tuition taking teacher.So i know lot about this.I would like to share this.many students even don't know to read tamil at all.they are getting compulsory pass upto 9th .In the 10th standard only they are concentrating on them.my only one request is make the teachers to focus their interest on the students from the beginning level.please teachers don't avoid the teaching and dedicate yourself to the teaching.Because dedicated teachers only teach very well.please focus on their ability,weakness,strength and their interest.Try to findout the reasons for their poor mark.Make them to read and uderstand the meaning.Try to make them to write their own questions and answers.Don't make them to mugup.If we do ,we will get nice admissions in the government school.
nowadays parents would like to get admission in the private school especially high infrastructure,fee structure,extra curricular activities.Why can't we give all these things in government with low fee structure.For all the above first of all our government has to give the recognition for particular number of schools per year.It will help to reduce the number of schools.If the school didn't give proper result the government has to cancel the recognition.
The government should improve their knowledge and they have to update themselces.They have to compete with the private school,cbse school,icse school teachers.You might know about the theachers' knowledge level.They are not ready to dedicate themselves to that profession.That is the first mistake.
Don't load the students strength in a class.For ex:in my native chinnamanur(theni district)number of students strength is 60 per class.The education level is very worst.The students are not able to read tamil word and english word. If it contonues how can the people trust government school .So they are ready to admit their children in the matric school .Though the fee is high they didn't care about the fee structure.
Now the parents have the awareness of education but not teachers!why?what is the reason?because of our education system.It's good only.But what to do?we are not ready to make the students for self thinking and self preparation of question and answers.The "samacheer kalvi " is the very good and best.It makes the children to think and develop their knowledge.But the teachers are not ready to prepare own questions and answers.The projects are also very nice.But it increase the expense of students and parents.Yes!they are buying and pasting !
So we are not ready to follow the system of the new education.If we continue to take effort ,one day it will give good result.We have to prepare our students to think and answer.The teachers have to take the class with extra information.It will increase the curiosity of the students and make them to read.In every school we have library,but there is no use.We don't allow them to read!
If they allow them to read ,the students will get the habit of reading.All these are in cbse and icse schools.They are charging separate fee for these activities.The teachers should have the reading habit and they have to say realted informations to the lessons.They have to use the teaching equipments like charts,apparatus or models.
It will make the students easy to understand.Nextone is computer.Yes the government has distributed free laptops.But no use.Everyone is using for watching movies,listening music.There is noany use for this.So the government has to conduct free computer classes to operate the computer and teach the uses of computer.The applications should be very familiar to them.
Then the sports.Noany school concentrate on sports.So the students have interest in cricket only.Ther is anyuse to bame them.We are the only reason.If we do all these we get considerable increase in the students strength in the government school.

எழுதியவர் : umababuji (1-Jul-14, 11:10 am)
பார்வை : 180
