As an Instant instinct
It just, popped out
Who cares, except me
A lonely soul;
Give a thought to globalization
Give a thought to economic crisis
Give a thought to cultural disposal
Give a thought to making of martyrs
Give a thought to revolving refugees
Give a thought to everlasting population
All are Symptoms of existence;
See, Thoughts are more strengthen by
Fear and freedom;
On-going, Chain reactions;
Everybody looking for an end
Maybe they assume
Death is the only evidence of a living
So what, It is our minor choice.
And, we are proud to be shameless in praying
Even we know,
Praying is a best betrayal
A genuine masturbation;
Weakening of words, waking silence;
I too see,
My consistence needs a conclusion
Not as a victim, But at least as a cause
I should pray for
Whatever happened.

Note :

இது என்னுடைய முதல் ஆங்கில கவிதை,ஒரு சிறு முயற்சி.எனவே ,தவறுகளை சுட்டிக்காட்ட தயங்க வேண்டாம் என பணிவோடு கேட்டு கொள்கிறேன்.

எழுதியவர் : கல்கிஷ் (10-Feb-15, 7:33 pm)
சேர்த்தது : kalkish
பார்வை : 57

சிறந்த கவிதைகள்
