song of liberty

My rendering of the Song of liberty
( நன்றி கண்ணதாசன்)
Let us sing the song of liberty,
For everyone under the sky;
For everyone living on this earth,
Let us sing the song of liberty;
Like the birds that fly,
Free and fearless under the sky,
Like the waves in the sea,
That move nonstop free;
Let us not differentiate between man and man;
Let us eliminate the differences as far as we can;
The wind does not avoid you,
Because you are a knave;
The sea does not scorch you,
Because you are a slave.
Time is all the same whether one is small or tall;
Love and motherly affection are common to one and all;
We were not born without a mother,
We are no different from the other;
Like words and languages ever,
Which cannot be separated, never;
Food is common to everyone,
The end is certain to everyone;
When it is a matter of grave,
It is the same for the master and the slave.
Let us all live together and enjoy freedom,
Let us make the country a God's kingdom.
Let us all sing and dance without fear,
Let us not live as master and slave here.

எழுதியவர் : rgurus (4-Oct-20, 4:22 am)
சேர்த்தது : ரா குருசுவாமி
பார்வை : 36

சிறந்த கவிதைகள்
