my son

love that never ends
it comes in frequent
I give up myself for you friends
may be your ways of thinking different
that is why we are man kinds.

easy it's to break hard it's to join
all that happen according to haven
that's why I try to bridge you again I Don't
know what's right and what's wrong

all that looks in white that's why I am in quiet
who done that brain and the heart with in
we are not taking birth again I love you my son
with all my heart and sole that's why I am a fool

coming here are the days and the milky ways
I Wright you in brief with a heart full of grief

Your's amma

எழுதியவர் : priya (7-Feb-15, 9:37 pm)
சேர்த்தது : பிரியா
பார்வை : 532
